Saturday, 25 February 2017

IBB University lecturer stripped to naked subsequent to being caught trying to sleep with a female student for grades  

A Department of English instructor at Ibrahim Badamai Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State – Hajji Yusuf was stripped bare after he was discovered in a compromising position attempting to lay down with a female understudy who set him up.

As indicated by report, Yusuf debilitated to come up short the understudy on the off chance that she declines to get down with him, which realized their meeting where a trap which was set for him got him and he was disfavored.

He was busted after he pulled his fabrics off.

Perused full report from the understudies of the school underneath:

A 400 level female understudy of Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, IBBU, Lapai, Niger, state chose to at last put a conclusion to the torment, enthusiastic and scholarly coercion endured by female understudies in the college for a considerable length of time. An instructor of English office named Ishaq Yusuf prominently known as I G Yusuf was gotten pants down with one of his preys. I G is enamored with falling flat female understudies who decline to capitulate to his lewd gestures.

Likewise in the event that you are a person and he discovers you around any young ladies he enjoys, you are certain of carryingover his course only thus. The 400level understudy being referred to av receptacle Carrying over his course since 100level. He is still on her case up till yesterday.

She chose to set him up, when he asked for to go to her room. She orchestrated with some of her male companions and they stowed away in her latrine. I G Yusuf went to the room and she chose to play along and he stripped down for her good to go.

The folks Came out of the can and educated him to remain that way and they took a naked picture of him. Blameless understudies tears and petitions have been addressed and we require a genuine disciplinary activity against him. He has been going scot free this years.

See photos:

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